Tax and legal support

Have you moved to Switzerland to take up a new job, start a business or are you looking to relocate your business to Switzerland and are looking for a partner for tax and legal support? As Truvag, we can offer you all the help you need from a single source.

Individual Taxation and Swiss social security

We have multiple years of expertise in supporting Individuals in all questions around Swiss taxes. Our aim is to release our clients from pressure to take care of their taxes and therefore can offer the whole package of support. We are also keen to help our clients with any requested advice around optimizing individual and property taxation or act as representatives towards the tax authorities to clarify and justify any issues.

Corporate Taxes

In the area of corporate taxes, we are a reliable partner in providing needs-based support and advice to our clients. Our claim is to offer to our clients a holistic solution tailored to their needs and support them in their concerns from start to finish in all tax matters. This also includes taking care of any tax declarations as well as communication and legal binding clarification with the Swiss tax authorities.

Legal Support

Our legal team with the competent lawyers will be happy to support you in all matters of labour, inheritance and civil law. We support you in drawing up or reviewing contracts, advise you on questions in all areas of law. We also support our clients with registrations or other compulsory tasks in the event of setting up or relocating a business.

Services Individual Taxation

Corporate Taxes

Your Contacts

Jan Krummenacher
Jan Krummenacher
Head of Mandate Tax/Legal/Provisions

Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Certified Swiss Tax Expert

Daniel Linggi
Daniel Linggi
Subject Manager Taxes and Value Added Tax

BSc Business Administration Real Estate
MAS FH in Swiss and International Taxation

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